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Date/Time: Sun, 19 May 2024 08:29:02 +0000

Post From: Paper trading

[2015-08-28 14:53:52]
User832215 - Posts: 27
I'm still looking for a way to paper trade and was thinking about to fund an account with Interactive brokers and subscribe for your "Sierra Chart Real-Time and Historical Exchange Data Feed".

I've done some research and found that Interactive brokers actually do "allow" paper trading which many other brokers do not. My purpose for funding account with them is to take advantage of the cheaper exhange fee.

However, in the introduction section you are stating this: "Support policy: Support from Sierra Chart for technical issues encountered when using Interactive Brokers, is within the discretion of Sierra Chart. There are some complex technical issues that a user may encounter when using Interactive Brokers, that can have various causes which are on the side of Interactive Brokers and therefore are outside of the control of Sierra Chart. Therefore these will be hard for us to understand and assist with because they are not within Sierra Chart and the Interactive Brokers system is a highly complex system with many reasons why things can go wrong. Therefore, we may decline support for some issues reported to us involving Interactive Brokers. Be aware of this when making a decision as to whether you should be using Interactive Brokers."

Does this still applies to paper trading and if I choose to subscribe to your fee?

As I stated earlier, I want to paper trade and want to take advantage of the cheaper exhange fee. Would you think this might be a good idea? or do you suggest something else, maybe another broker? I know that Stage 5 also support paper trading but I wasn't sure if it was able to subscribe to "Sierra Chart Real-Time and Historical Exchange Data Feed" with that broker.

Long message, hope you understand what I'm writing and my situation.