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Date/Time: Tue, 28 May 2024 04:31:59 +0000


[2015-08-27 16:01:08]
User668659 - Posts: 6
Thanks sampater! I tried it and help me understand a little more the problem. If i use this:
Then i'll no longer see false signals after the bar colsed, but i need the signal in real time while both sma cross. So during the period of a bar i would like to be able to draw the signal while it's true but the moment after it's no longer true i would like to remove the signal(during or after the current bar).
How can i check in real time if a condition it's no longer true and then remove the statement(in this case drawing with a subgraph)?I mean before the bar has closed, because maybe i can check at the end of the bar if the condition it's no longer true, but i need to remove the statement at the moment the condition turns false.
I need to see during the period of the last bar only the result of the last execution. Can i delete the result of the last execution during the period of the current bar at the current execution?