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Date/Time: Sat, 18 May 2024 07:58:18 +0000

Post From: Chartbook causes infinite loading loop

[2015-05-18 07:40:34]
i960 - Posts: 360
I think the way you treat your paying customers is downright rude. You have this twisted attitude that users reporting issues are out to annoy or harass you in someway and that the user by default is wrong. What you fail to remember is that the users reporting bugs are simply doing it because they want to make the software BETTER and not necessarily turn it into their own personal feature catalog. Without users reporting issues regularly you're at the mercy of finding them yourself and potentially running into other issues down the line from people not speaking up when they should have. If every interaction is like pulling teeth the users will just not bother at a certain point and ultimately the product suffers as a result. I rarely ask for features and I regularly report outages and other issues the second I see them helping you to keep the software stable and reliable. When I report issues and am treated like crap over it its just straight up unreasonable.

Some of us have professional developer experience in both approach and even the same languages the software is written in. We know how to report bugs and we know what is a user land issue and a software/vendor issue before reporting it.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-05-18 07:41:51