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Date/Time: Thu, 09 May 2024 23:14:42 +0000

Post From: Is it possible to build a Spreadsheet system with different vendors accounts FXCM and IB?

[2014-09-28 03:06:24]
Sawtooth - Posts: 3993
I am planning to build a forex trading system using the spreadsheet and some existing signal systems built in the past.
1) The exiting buy-sell signals are generated from futures data and charts with either IB or other futures vendors (T3 and Infinity Futures), with the spread sheet.
2) Based on 1), I like to send 4 types of order to two FXCM accounts. One FXCM account is (1) Buy to Open and (2) Sell to Close only, the other FXCM is (3) Sell to Open and then (4) Buy to Close.
3) IB has linked accounts so I can open charts with separate accounts numbers within the system. I wonder if it is possible to open the signal source (futures account) and two FXCM accounts under one SC only.
4) If one SC is not sufficient, can I do with only two or do I have to open 3 S.C. apps since there may be 3 data sets involved?
5) Can all (2 or 3) Sierra Chart incidents shared one spreadsheet with the current version to do the trick?

This would require 3 instances of Sierra Chart because each is using a broker data feed, but that doesn't help because you cannot reference spreadsheets between instances of Sierra Chart.

Basically, what you want to do is not supported with spreadsheets.