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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 16:09:07 +0000

Post From: Apply study to multiple charts (no UI)

[2024-04-23 07:38:18]
skalaydzhiyski - Posts: 32
Yes, that's what I thought, I don't mind creating a custom study... in a sense that's even better since we would get more control over exactly what features we want to track of the market.

What about the second point though ?
Say I had the custom study is there a way to apply the study to a sequence of (instruments + date ranges) so that I can download the data without doing it manually through Sierra's UI ?

I want to say
GOOG-NQTV (2020-01-01/2020-01-04, 2021-02-01/2021-02-04, ...)
and then end up with files for every pair
GOOG_NQTV_20200101_20200104.scid, ...

Can this be done programmatically or is the only way for me to manually apply the study to charts and the dates I want :( ?

All the best,