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Date/Time: Mon, 20 May 2024 06:16:45 +0000

Post From: GetTimeAndSales freezes DOM, when used inside GDI function

[2024-04-05 23:36:51]
KylieV1618 - Posts: 63
Im trying to access the TimeAndSales, from within a GDI drawing function.
In replay mode this works fine, and the script fires normally.

But when the market is live, it freezes the DOM (which is where I have the study applied).
Hiding the script, makes the DOM come back to life.

Here is the code

The script...

if (sc.HideStudy == 1)

if (hasAccess == 1)

sc.p_GDIFunction = MyGDIDrawingFunction;

Inside the GDI function at the top

c_SCTimeAndSalesArray TimeSales;

I deleted literally all the code out of the function, and boiled it down to these lines.
When you add this to a DOM, it will hang the DOM.

Any ideas why this might occur??

Would you just recommend storing the TimeAndSales array as a persistent var to access in GDI?
Because when I move these 2 lines into the main script, everything runs again just fine.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-04-05 23:59:46