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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:21:29 +0000

Post From: 'Confirm Order' popup window, only when modifying a server-side bracket

[2024-04-02 15:05:45]
User512353 - Posts: 55
Last trading session on 2024/03/18 did NOT show the following behavior.

Since then, both IBKR TWS and SC have been updated.
IBKR TWS has all API warnings disabled. Generally the setup is working and has been working in the past.
I already contacted IBKR support. They say, if the warnings are disabled it is not their problem.

I resumed trading yesterday, 2024/04/01. SC 2625.

I can place an order and cancel an order without any confirmation popup.

But when I adjust the active limit order (either the order itself or any of the two server-side bracket orders), then the attached popup window "Confirm Order" shows up.

Any ideas what the problem is here?
imageScreenshot from 2024-04-02 16-48-14.png / V - Attached On 2024-04-02 14:58:11 UTC - Size: 11.32 KB - 62 views