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Date/Time: Tue, 03 Dec 2024 18:20:00 +0000

Post From: Ackin's indicators (SCH users requests for studies) - Update list

[2024-02-11 20:10:14]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Due to many complaints about the registration time, I decided to close the discussion forum for new faces. There are over 2K people registered on the forum... but most of them have moved to a few of our Discord servers.

Main changes:
- User authorization was removed from the Zyp-free library
- Everyone can download the update on our Discord, where there will also be regular fixes and new studies for this library...
- Discord has a permanent address and is free for all newcomers, only people who break the rules get BAN

I continue to promote the Sierrachart program, in more than last 10 years I have converted hundreds of people from other platforms thanks to my studies in another paid Discord servers to SC.

It is still the best trading program and many thanks to the SC team for your long-term work...

Discord link: