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Date/Time: Thu, 02 May 2024 02:04:03 +0000

Post From: Inconsistent position price level between SC app and web trading

[2023-12-20 18:43:05]
User87521 - Posts: 81
I have been doing some research into a problem I am having with Trading Position Average Price. I am running a Spreadsheet System for Trading. I am trading MNQ. Interactive Brokers. Yes, I know but I hope you can help. Before getting into it, I will say that the Auto trading seems to be working quite well. I have not encountered any other problems other than with Trading Position Average Price. I have used this Study to set a stop loss on my trades so it doesn't actually impact the normal buys and sells.

First Issue: If I decide to close a position manually through TWS it does not update in the TPAP Study. The open position stays. I actually have to go into the Trade Activity Folder and delete the contents as well as the Backup folder to clear the TPAP.

Second Issue: This occurs intermittently and I cannot seem to figure out why. The Spreadsheet System for Trading will take a trade, and will close a trade (exactly as it should) but TPAP does not update.

Third Issue: TPAP does not match The Trade Activity Log. See attached screenshot under a different posting for a current live shot.

As I said the auto trade system is working perfectly taking buys and sells. But, I need to have this failsafe of a "stop loss" and TPAP seems to be the best way to accomplish this. I am also going to add a Column J filter for this but have not yet. As a second failsafe.

Is there something I'm missing? The TPAP should equal the Trade Positions Windows. Thanks for your help. I've been with Sierra for probably 20 years. I am very happy with it.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-20 18:44:16