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Date/Time: Thu, 02 May 2024 16:07:31 +0000

Post From: Automated Trading From an Advanced Custom Study::Cancel bug or user error/misunderstanding

[2023-05-24 23:58:10]
lakenymph - Posts: 2
Hi SC Support:
In working through a proof of concept in using SC for trading support I’ve come across the following issue in testing order cancelling.

Using Unmanaged Automated Trading settings as defined at URL:
Automated Trading Management: Unmanaged Automated Trading

Use Case: Need to change an Entry limit order to a market order.

Constraints: Can’t use sc.ModifyOrder because this method only allows price and qty to be changed and there appears to be no other sc.* method to support order type modifications.

1) Cancel Limit via sc.CancelOrder(Order ID) Order
2) Verify Cancel Completion via sc.GetOrderByOrderID(Order ID, s_SCTradeOrder object)
3) Create Market Order via sc.BuyOrder | sc.SellOrder since trade settings are unmanaged

The issue is that when sc.GetOrderByOrderID checks for status in the sc processing loop the retu s_SCTradeOrder object is undefined where OrderStatusCode == SCT_OSC_UNSPECIFIED and is not SCT_OSC_PENDINGCANCEL || SCT_OSC_CANCELED.

Using an order search process via the sc.GetOrderByIndex(Index, s_SCTradeOrder object) method the order can be found with the desired SCT_OSC_CANCELED status.

It seems that this is a bug or misunderstanding on my end of correctly in correctly interfacing with the sc ACSL interface.

Should not a call to sc.GetOrderByOrderID method return a valid order object with its status as either SCT_OSC_PENDINGCANCEL | SCT_OSC_CANCELED?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.