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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 17:52:47 +0000

Post From: New Interactive Brokers trade platform in development

[2023-05-20 19:48:14]
John M - Posts: 165
Hello SC,

I am a beta test site for the upcoming Interactive Brokers new trading platform that will likely supplant the current TWS sometime in the future.
I'm also a long time SC user.

It is very early in development and they are requesting feedback and input for the developers from the beta testers.
It will be a while before it is in general release to all users. I don't think the API interface is implemented yet so we could have input on that too.
The changes that I have seen are for the better vs TWS and I have given them feedback on some things they could do.

I know IB TWS has given you fits with its quirks and I understand and sympathize your frustration with it.

This is an opportunity to give them the information that you, SC, would like to see implemented in the new platform.

I can't guarantee it will happen but this is the best shot I've seen to improve things with IB/SC interaction.

If you can give me your requests I can see that their devs receive the information.
If you would like to communicate directly with the dev team I, could with their permission, give you their contact information in a private message.

Anyway, I am trying to help here and improve this for everyone who uses IB and SC together. There are more than a few of us.

Thank you and let me know.