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Date/Time: Mon, 06 May 2024 09:50:18 +0000

Post From: white shadows on black

[2014-05-14 14:05:53]
User51148 - Posts: 8
Why in the BLACK CHART BACKGROUND there are TWO STUPID WHITE LINES surrounding chart? Why these lines could not be black or dark on the black background? Why on some lines {box borders]can I change color [by setting PC]and on others cannot? I do not need to see any of these white eye catching borders on the multiple charts. It is ENOUGH for me that I know where these borders SHOULD be. Just in case the cursor change its shape over them. It is enough to have time or value scale to see where one chart ends and other begins. There is no need for visual line borders. The same is valid for DOM.
If I can disable title bar, scroll bar , chartbook tabs,etc. why cannot I disable contrast borders?