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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:10:52 +0000

Post From: export *all* existing studies settings in the

[2023-01-18 20:34:15]
User133994 - Posts: 77
Perhaps another solution would be a simple filename.StdyCollct to text converter. As that file already contains a data structure that appears to be what I am referencing above.

So I can export *all* the studies into a .StdyCollct file...and then simply convert that binary file to a textual file. Easy...right?

Would you be able (or allow me) to make a .StdyCollct file reader that outputs a textual representation like the following:

ID name Study Alert Text Subgraph settings
78 s.IMB.filtered Color Background on Alert OR(AND(ID146.SG1,L[-1]<L[-2],)) SG1, background, BLUE
79 b.IMB.filtered Color Background on Alert OR(AND(ID129.SG1,H[-1]>H[-2],)) SG1, background, RED
779 simplefilter Spreadsheet Formula AND(ID1.SG1, H=L[-1]) SG1, line, GREEN, width=7

I think converting the .StdyCollct to text would be the easiest solution. Again, I'm willing to write the code to make this happen...just need the green light and a few bits of info on the binary structures inside the .StdyCollct file and how to access/decode them.

Thanks in advance for your help
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-01-18 20:36:00