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Date/Time: Tue, 28 May 2024 07:31:13 +0000

Post From: Connecting to external MySQL database server

[2022-04-20 06:28:03]
enemyspy - Posts: 304
You don't have to create an external .exe file. I mean you can if you want but you still have to push the data to that process.

You could just make a connection in your custom study .dll and run the queries directly from a study.

You might just want to run it on a separate worker thread so that the main study doesn't hang while it's inserting/updating. But even that is not really necessary.

If you just need to push the data once at the end of the the load you can just open a connection once when the SC.index is on the final iteration and run your transactions.

You mainly want to make sure that you don't keep instantiating a new connection and or run redundant transactions on every update. So you just need to make some logic that handles that as well.

I would suggest making g a custom study that takes subgraphs as inputs and upserts the data from Those subgraph references to your database.

One more thing is you probably want to ne separating it completely from any live trading instance you are running. Like in a separate instance of SC. You don't want that shit bogging down your trading especially if your code sucks like mine does.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-04-20 07:01:21