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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 00:48:35 +0000

Post From: Flatten and cancel

[2014-03-13 14:55:37]
User35525 - Posts: 180
This happened again today so I just failed my TsT combine I think. At least it was only a few hundred dollars lost and not thousands.

Can you tell me more about this issue? Do server-managed OCO's at CTS depend upon my computer in any way, such that I could improve my situation by getting a better computer or better network connection? I'm using a VPS with good network connection, but only have 1.7GB of RAM.

I'm just trying to determine why on earth server-managed attached orders might not work. It doesn't make any sense, after-all, it's 100% server-managed, I thought.

I'm just looking for some more insight so I can properly weigh my risks and talk to TopStepTrader if necessary. One would hopefully carefully consider losing the safety-net of server-side OCO's, and I'd hate to have to switch to T4 API or another inferior platform just to get the benefit of server-side OCO's. Something smells fishy here... Either CTS isn't managing server-side OCO's properly, or Sierra Chart isn't, which I can't fathom.

Best Regards,