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Date/Time: Mon, 06 May 2024 08:19:54 +0000

Post From: Registered and Paid But Still Shows Trial on Charts

[2014-03-05 20:23:23]
User59724 - Posts: 71
Attached is the screen that pops up when I start Sierra Charts, which shows "Free Trial." I am hearing you say that I am properly registered, it's just a part of your program that still says Trial even though it should not, and if I'm hearing you correctly, you're saying don't worry about, you're okay. I'm good with that, but FYI the reason I wanted to make sure I'm okay is because I'm just getting started with Sierra Charts, so when I flip the switch and go live with real money, I don't want any glitches, like the trail version runs out and I'm suddenly disconnected with no way to reach anyone except by this support. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your help here, but as you know, it can take hours or overnight before an answer comes back. There is apparently no telephone support. Don't think I don't appreciate you, and I am loving Sierra Charts. Once I have Sierra Charts running smoothly, you won't hear from me hardly ever. See the attached image which creates the confusion for new users.

I don't know if the image is uploading or not. Doesn't show here but shows it was uploaded. Oh well.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-03-05 20:45:35
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