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Date/Time: Wed, 15 May 2024 02:48:20 +0000

Post From: I need to switch between alert-based buy and sell entries as market conditions change.

[2021-02-14 13:04:33]
User657945 - Posts: 226
If you mean doing manually yes is it possible. I mean let's say you are using Trading system based on alert condition studies(std sierra study) there is a input (In1) called Enabled and you can choose yes/no.
Now to avoid to open the studies and do it everytime you can customize Control Bars Buttons
Control Bar and you can assign the Input 21 of the Trading Sys based on alert named ACS Control bar button enable/disable to the number of the control button i.e 1 for long enabled and 2 for short.
When the long is enabled the short is disabled and viceversa.
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