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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 22:48:37 +0000

Post From: Attached orders when trading on the charts...

[2014-02-12 04:26:50]
WarEagle - Posts: 70
This is an older thread but I had a similar question and haven't seen any new information. Has anything been looked at in this regard? Would it be possible to alter the transparency and color of the child orders while they are not live? MultiCharts does this with child orders and it makes it much easier to see what is live and what is not.

Also, is there a way to add attached orders to an existing unfilled order? For example, I will often uncheck the Use Attached Orders box so that I can work a manual exit without having new child orders appear when I place the order on the DOM. Then I will forget to check the box and the next time I place an order I just have the base order with no attached orders. I would like to be able to add those on without losing my place in the queue by having to cancel and resubmit with the box checked. I know that I can add them after the order fills but I would like to do it sooner. My broker does not support server side OCO so its all managed locally in SC. I hope that makes sense.
