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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:49:14 +0000

Post From: Ackin's indicators (SCH users requests for studies) - Update list

[2020-11-03 12:30:06]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
It is probably useless to create indicators without any innovation when they are already available from someone else from the same platform.

The author of emoji (binaryduke) is also on my forum (among hundreds of other traders) and I don't want to copy his indi. You can buy it from him. Honestly I think that he offers the best from OrderFlow ever for Sierrachart.

In a good: Understand that my Free indicators are only to fill the empty space in this area, it means user's requests what Sierrachart refused to create.

#125 by next update
#129 not, sorry