Support Board
Date/Time: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 02:35:10 +0000
Post From: Linux
[2020-10-31 00:52:13] |
Kiwi - Posts: 375 |
In life I have discovered two things: - never underestimate the power of market share - things often take 3 times as long as I expect The second is often because of the first even when the incumbent makes huge mistakes. Although change can often surprise (but its never the one you expect (like Trump winning & the US having its 2nd civil war). So, as much as I love Michael's writing and research, unless the compositor / window manager writers do a really nice job of filling out the gaps in wayland I expect to sadly still be using x11 beyond those dates. Don't get me wrong - if I could get a KDE or Mint like environment that supported all the functionality of xbindkeys and xdotools I would be on the bleeding edge of Wayland adopters. I really must try Sway. Edit 7/11/2020: I tried Sway with Wayland. I don't see me changing during Joe Biden's term unless someone does some real work to fix Wayland and the required ecosystem. The existence of open bugs on X11 or QT doesn't make them basically unusable and that was my experience of SwayWay. Possibly the gnome/way experience is more robust in the bleeding edge Fedora but gnome limits the user & lacks functionality. I like the promised performance but not the loss of functionality so I'll wait and see. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-11-08 21:59:30