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Date/Time: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 01:55:58 +0000

Post From: Linux

[2020-10-20 16:17:27]
ertrader - Posts: 681
A brief update: I've completed testing SC/Wine 5.20 and Proton GE with dozens of SC open/close, continuous running 24/7 each and no issues at all for either solution. Also, Proton GE just did an update.

SierraChart Version 2192 64 bit
Wine 5.21 or Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST
Mint Linux 20/Ubuntu 20.04/Cinnamon desktop
Kernel 5.4.0-52 generic
OpenGL X11lib: 1.6.12
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
GeForce GTX 1660 Nvidia video card driver 455.23.04
Dual Monitors
Internet: 290bps, 23ms ping, Comcast, Houston

Updated to Wine 5.21 and SC 2192. Configuration is stable and working well.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-11-13 01:34:23