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Date/Time: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 19:59:59 +0000

Post From: Linux

[2020-10-09 10:40:25]
ertrader - Posts: 670
In post #240, ertrader talks about having to modify grub and DOS parameters. I would guess that is something to do with drivers for the Nvidia card. But it looks like a pretty serious issue to me. Any insights on what is going on?

Yes, you are right, since updating Nvidia drivers to the latest version, I've seen no issues at all.

Also, spent some time getting to know Gnome in an effort to see if XWayland could also be a solution on Mint. I'm NOT a fan of Gnome 3 at all. Really like Cinnamon and it does not support XWayland as of yet.

Is there anyone with experience using XWayland on Mint with something other than Gnome? At this point it's pure curiosity, low priority and learning on my part.

The current SC/Linux/Wine solutions are working exceptionally well.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-09 12:17:21