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Date/Time: Mon, 06 May 2024 15:41:06 +0000

Post From: Charts updating slow on live data, blasting fast on replay (Denali)

[2020-10-02 14:25:03]
User311344 - Posts: 136
As thing stand, we estimate that you being in Central European Time (CET) is costing you over 100 miliseconds in latency.

OK so I'll explain it again, because you still mix two different things.

I dont mind my 100ms+ LATENCY OFFSET from CME to central europe. It's ok. But I do mind my chart/data/studies being updated with poor FREQUENCY or being BATCHED and BUFFERED as huge 100ms packs of data which then appear almost like 100ms snapshots. Thats why increasing data update interval is crucial for me. And decreasing that buffer value is huge improvement for me cause I finally started getting much more continous data and Im grateful for that.

So thats why I asked if you could decrease it from 20ms down to 10ms cause thats minimal possible chart update interval which is possible to set up. So the data UPDATE FREQUENCY would match chart update frequency. From my understanding theres no use to set chart update interval to 10ms if data is being provided with 20ms frequency batches.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-02 14:25:38