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Date/Time: Wed, 15 May 2024 10:12:54 +0000

Post From: Linux

[2020-09-27 06:05:04]
User921987 - Posts: 234
Thx guys.

ertrader I don't know ProtonGE, but I quess there is 2 options a) they have implemented task priority settings directly (even using multicore) into their system b) they have their own fixed X11 Client library and are not using the version which comes with your distro.

Have you tried to set priorities via wine start command options (/affinity or /high or /low etc.) does it make any change in behaviour ?

But if the problem is in thread-safe things in X11 (and not fixed in the latest versions) then it's just a matter of time when it happens again. I recommend you to update the x11 client library to the latest one. For example in my case from 1.6.7 -> 1.6.12 there was a lot of changes and other bug fixes in the code which may result a side effect to fix the problem.

Here is how I did the update:


read -p "Press [Enter] to get and make ${LIB} "
[[ ! -f $FILE ]] && wget https[COLON]//www.x.org/releases/individual/lib/${FILE}
tar xvfz ${FILE}
cd ${LIB}
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libx11/${X11_VERSION}
make -j4 2> make_errors.txt

read -p "Press [Enter] to see possible make warnings & errors"
less make_errors.txt

read -p "Press [Enter] to install..."
sudo make install

read -p "Press [Enter] to overwrite existing librarires..."
sudo cp --backup=t /usr/local/libx11/${X11_VERSION}/lib/libX11.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo cp --backup=t /usr/local/libx11/${X11_VERSION}/lib/libX11.so.6.3.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo cp --backup=t /usr/local/libx11/${X11_VERSION}/lib/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Nah. For some reason Code blocks in this message does not work right. Replace the "[COLON]" with the ":"

You will need your distro's development packages installed to do this. In debian it's build-essential. THE ABOVE SCRIPT IS JUST MY EXAMPLE to give you the idea what to do. For your case search google for more help and check specially where your current library files are located.

When compiling I received a lot of messages but they were all warnings only and didn't look dangerous (in my "40 years of coding" eyes:). This is because of different compiler settings and versions. I did this by the gcc 8.3.0.

If your system hangs or other problems occurs while testing new libraries you can always restore the original versions from the backups done in the last 3 script lines.

After all do not put this into production until after heavy testing :)

Please see a new version of the above script found later in post #312
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-09-29 06:50:43