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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 04:57:43 +0000

Post From: Linux

[2020-09-22 20:03:54]
DevTrader79 - Posts: 44
I had sometime back sierra chart working on ArcoLinux, but after update doesn't work and I gave up. Most probably wine got upgraded . I am not a tester, my goal is to make money. I feel very bad for traders who are trying hard to make SC work on Linux platform but can't. As long as Sierra chart works perfectly on W7.0 and w10.0 I am happy. Atleast I can trade and make money. In my opinion it is just a waste of time to try and try to make SC working on Linux platform I would rather spent that time working on automate strategy or fine tune trading on SC. Remember, SC is targeted for Windows platform only.