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Date/Time: Sun, 19 May 2024 07:23:39 +0000

Post From: Data feed questions.(IB equity data feed, Denali data feed and all Trade through IB)

[2020-08-14 19:03:49]
User242688 - Posts: 7
Hello Support,

After reading through your data feed pages and some threads here, I still have questions, so please clarify.

Due to residency issues, I can only use IB as my broker for the moment. I have IB equity data, no futures data. I would love to use Denali data feed as my data and trade through IB.

So my question is
1. Can I have my equity data (L1 only) from IB(I know they are bad, but I'm really not day trading stocks) ,Futures data from Denali and all trade through IB? how would that work? which of your pages I need to read for setups. If it's not seems to work, what are the alternatives.
2. Denali pricing on Professional only appear to be netting? where can I check the price.

Thank you very much.