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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:56:08 +0000

Post From: Market Statistics plans on Sierra Chart end

[2014-01-15 10:26:23]
Rusty - Posts: 38
We do not trust anyone to do market statistics other than ourselves.
You are wise. I commend you for taking personal responsibility for the accuracy of the data you are disseminating.

In 2004 I reported to StockCharts that after their cut-over to a new Thomson API the NASDAQ Composite tick ($TICKQ) values were "significantly higher than would be expected, and they disagree with other reporting services". Specifically their daily 1-minute values were averaging roughly +200 points higher than the NASDAQ-reported values. I conjectured that Thomson had changed their calculation from the difference between all NASDAQ issues on an uptick and all issues on a downtick, to issues on an uptick minus issues on a downtick plus unchanged issues. I sent them comparison charts, but they didn't respond. Their reported data was wrong for 6 1/2 years. In May of 2011 it unexpectedly corrected and lined up with the NASDAQ OMB feed.

As you say, you can't trust the calculations of an external service - and you can't depend on their support when you need it.