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Date/Time: Fri, 06 Dec 2024 06:44:18 +0000

Post From: Eurex feed bid/ask volume

[2014-01-13 19:30:25]
Spinoza - Posts: 62
I found this posting by Peter Davies of Jigsaw Trading on Big Mike rather enlightening about the issues mentioned by SC support in post 16: https://www.bigmiketrading.com/brokers-data-feeds/29928-zenfire-no-more-101.html#post382063

If the level 1 feed and level 2 feed are out of sync, can't we get accurate footprint charts from just the level 1 feed. Or will this be easier when the two parts of the feed are separated later in the month? Or doesn't this particular feed update fast enough? Or have I missed the point entirely?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-13 19:49:30