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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 04:16:59 +0000

Post From: DDE input for SC

[2019-08-19 21:26:39]
User672082 - Posts: 60
Hi All,

I am trying to build an excel spread sheet to track my pairs trades. I cant find the DDE requirements for excel for SC charts. I have pasted an example of what I am looking for. Can anyone post a link for me for SC specific DDE inputs for excel? Thank you!

Using RediDDE

When RediPlus starts it registered DDE server with name "RediLink"

Generic syntax to request data from Excel is

  =RediLink|<topic name>!'<key1>;<key2>;<...>;<field 1>,<field 2>,<...>'


DDE currently support requests for level 1 and positions

To request level 1

Topic name = L1

Key = symbol -> example IBM

Fields = any from supported list

  Supported fields:
  LP  - last price
  BP  - bid price
  AP  - ask price
  BS  - bid size
  AS  - ask size
  DH  - day high
  DL  - day low
  VOL  - volume
  OP  - open price
  CP  - close price
  YBP  - yesterday bid price
  YAP - yesterday ask price
  AH - annual high
  AL - annual low
  SYM - symbol
  request Microsoft bid, ask and last price

  use the base option symbol, a space plus the Opra month/strike codes
  request IBM DS (IBM APR 95 Call) option bid price
  =REDILINK|'L1'!'IBM DS;bp'

To request positions

Topic name = POS

  first = account -> example 0099AABBCC
  second = symbol -> example IBM

Fields = any from supported list

  Supported fields:
  AC - account
  SYM - symbol
  POS - position
  VAL - value
  PAL - profit and loss
  request position for account '123ABC' symbol Microsoft

To enter formula containing multiple fields in an Excel multiple cells must be selected
and formula entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

This method requesting an "array" of values in Excel