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Date/Time: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 12:18:29 +0000

Post From: Linux

[2019-03-12 09:22:06]
samual sprat - Posts: 343
Hey All,

Just joined the SC Linux community over the past week and have been getting to know how things work in this space. Thanks for all the contributors to this thread (esp all the clowns!) - could be my fav thread on SC forums to date!

To test it all out, initially I installed linux mint 19 on virtualbox (6 core, 8GB RAM, 128MB VRAM), mounted the Sierra chart SSD I use in windows and installed Wine 3.0 stable along with mscorefonts and all latest updates for mint. I got a basic 2 chart chartbook running pretty quickly and was shocked by the speed of the rendering and tiny latency. Cores were not maxed, so I decided to try another more intense chartbook that I use regularly on my windows install. In windows the CPU single core usage of the intensive chartbook is around 70% but it runs flawlessly. When I tried running the same chartbook on mint the single core utilisation hit 100% pretty quickly and would load a couple charts then basically stop loading at all. I'm guessing that wine and SC were sharing the same core, hence the 100% utilisation.

So, I decided to install mint again but on hardware instead of VM. Installed mint 19 onto dedicated SSD, updated drivers and recommended nvidia etc and again mounted my sierra SSD drive and ran with wine 3.0. Same issue... basic chart runs like a bat out of hell but more complex chartbooks all seem to lock up with single cpu core at 100%. I tried updating to nvidia 418x and also wine 4.0 stable, but same thing

One thing I’ve not tried is installing SC natively in linux instead of the windows drive method, is that worth trying? (was hoping to keep the windows drive setup so i can straddle both OS for a bit but will change it if it works natively)

Poking around in google I've found some threads on how 100% cpu can be caused when wine and main process share same core but surely there must be a way to tell wine to use a different core? Or maybe that's not the problem in this case, i'm not sure.

Any ideas how I can get these chartbooks to work? Any help appreciated as i'd love to switch over from shitty windoze - stat!

Oh one other issue I saw was rendering of the line type 'dash' and 'dot'. Looks like the dots are there but there're big gaps between them. The dash is just a solid line. Same with nvidia 390 and 418 drives and wine 3.0 and 4.0. Anyone know a fix for this?

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-03-12 09:35:29