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Date/Time: Fri, 03 May 2024 01:14:23 +0000

Post From: how to pass an alert condition to sc.EvaluateAlertConditionFormulaAsBoolean function?

[2019-02-13 22:25:39]
User997668 - Posts: 13

I need to build systems using ACSIL ONLY. (not spreadsheets or the trading studies from SC).

I need to evaluate multiple conditions at run time and require the performance optimization that comes from the "internal formatting and storage" of the conditions as documented in:


But how do we pass an alert condition to the sc.EvaluateAlertConditionFormulaAsBoolean() function? there is no input for that? I don't want to use multiple SC studies just to add the alert in the "Alert" box.

Can create a version of this function that accepts a condition text input?
