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Date/Time: Mon, 20 May 2024 20:38:32 +0000

Post From: Trade Activity Log Export

[2018-11-21 18:26:27]
User489862 - Posts: 14

I am currently trying to export the 'Trades' tab from the 'Trade Activity Log' however I am not being given the option to export it. Why is this?

Also, if I copy the log and paste it into Excel, the format of the 'Entry Date Time' and 'Exit Date Time' fields are not being copied as they show in SC. For example, instead of the 'Entry Date Time' being 18-03-19 11:33:01.006, it is instead being copied into Excel as 33.01.0 (i.e. just a small extract of what it should be.

It is very important for me to be able to extract information from the Trade Activity Log and analyse it in Microsoft Excel so could you please help me sort this issue out?

Many Thanks,
