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Date/Time: Wed, 08 May 2024 19:34:01 +0000

Post From: Trading System Based on Alert Condition: Constraints/Limits

[2018-10-07 06:02:40]
gayer2428 - Posts: 75
I have been playing with TSBAC for a while now and I became aware of some severe limitations in its capabilities.

For instance, I have a simple alert (ID53) that says:

OR(ID29.SG1 = 1, ID8.SG1 >= 1, ID3.SG23 = 2, ID3.SG23 = 4)

Now when I try using ID53 in a BUY-ENTRY/SELL-ENTRY as a shortcut (instead of deep diving and referencing the individual elements of ID53) like this:

AND(ID13.SG1 > 0, ID26.SG1 > 0, ID53),

TSBAC fails to detect it when the entire condition becomes true.

Now I break up ID53 into its basic components, and also combine it with a couple of other (no-shortcut, basic) conditions. It worked!

AND(ID13.SG1 > 0, ID26.SG1 > 0, OR(ID29.SG1 > 0, ID8.SG1 > 0, ID3.SG23 = 2, ID3.SG23 = 4))

SC has a 500-char limit in the Alert box; using shortcuts is one way I manage to stay within the limit.

My question is, why does SC impose such a limitation on TSBAC capabilities? Any alert, however complex, entered into the BUY/SELL ENTRY/EXIT Alerts should work just as they would if they were standalone alerts not attached to TSBAC.

TSBAC is a powerful tool when it works. It's been needlessly hobbled with such severe limits.

Please, SC, won't you fix this soon? Thanks.