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Date/Time: Sun, 19 May 2024 05:24:25 +0000

Post From: CalculatePivotPoints

[2017-01-22 18:49:54]
kas64h - Posts: 87

I'm trying to use your PivotPointsDaily study in my own file.
Originally the project wouldn't compile due to an unresolved external symbol error for the function CalculateDailyPivotPoints.

After reading the Support Board, I found the post 'Pivot Points Daily acsil code not compiling' by Hendrixon who had exactly the same issue.

In line with the advised solution, I have both...

#include "sierrachart.h"
#include "scstudyfunctions.h"

... included in my file, and I've copied the function CalculateDailyPivotPoints into my file.

However, I cannot find the CalculatePivotPoints function in the scstudyfunctions.cpp file, which is also required (hence I'm now getting an unresolved external symbol error for the function CalculatePivotPoints).

Please can you advise where I can find the function CalculatePivotPoints so I may copy it into my file.

Many Thanks.