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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 23:43:29 +0000

Name changes for Tool Configurations not taking affect on tool bar

View Count: 540

[2020-06-18 22:48:02]
User48273 - Posts: 8
I have defined colors that I use on Dynamic Volume Profiles (DVP) in Tool Cfg1 through Tool Cfg6. These all work fine. However on the tool bar I am not able to change the names of each Tool Cfg to the color it represents (ie. Tool Cfg1 should be named Blue). I have made the changes to the name and saved it, but it is not taking affect. The attached shows the window that I saved the name I want for each Tool CFG.

I have tried hitting the save button as well as the apply button. Nothing seems to work.

image2020-06-18_1837.png / V - Attached On 2020-06-18 22:46:05 UTC - Size: 14.9 KB - 201 views
[2020-06-19 18:32:54]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You need to change this through the Control Bar Button Properties:
Control Bar: Control Bar Button Properties



If we understand what you are stating, you are wanting to see the custom name of the Configuration showing in the menu for Tools >> Current Tool Config.

This being the case, then the only thing we can think of is that you need to select the tool you want to use first, then those Configuration Names will change to match what you have set for them. So be sure that you select "Tools >> Draw Volume Profile" first, then look at the configuration names.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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