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Log of Changes and Improvements to Sierra Chart

This list contains major items of development, and changes and additions which users need to be informed about.

This is not a comprehensive changes and additions log. And it should never be relied upon for such. It only represents a very small percentage of the actual development being performed every day. The vast majority of development is not documented here. Or receives, one small comment after it is all complete. There are not version notes for each version. The main Sierra Chart documentation is updated as needed relating to the changes and additions.

The maintenance of this page has mostly been abandoned by Sierra Chart development for many years due to the difficulty of maintaining it and because users can be incorrectly misled by or misinterpret notes that are made here. This does not change, the development of Sierra Chart which is very active every day and new releases are made nearly weekly or several times a week. The Sierra Chart project is still very active, with extensive development and it remains a very high quality software in the world. The engineering is at the very top of the world.

  • 286

    • Updated the Woodies For Range Charts-New studies and study collection. It needs to be re-applied to the chart to see the changes.
    • Added support for a new historical data provider for the Sierra Chart Historical Data service. For the updated instructions, please use the preceding link. We are still in the process of updating that page for our updated service.
  • 284

    • Updated the Woodies For Range Charts-New studies and study collection. It needs to be re-applied to the chart to see the changes.
  • 283 Release Date: 2008-05-11

    • Woodies For Range Charts-New study collection has been revised. You need to download version 283 again to access the revision. This study collection needs to be reapplied to the charts to take advantage of the changes. One of the revisions is a new Woodies CCI Trend study which is 100% compliant with the current specifications.
    • We have developed a new Woodies Panel and study collection. This can be accessed on the Analysis menu and is named Woodies For Range Charts-New. There is also a sample chartbook named Woodies-New. More study configurations will be added. The data panel you see on the right side is a study named SC Woodies Panel. It has various Input and Subgraph settings. It has a study Input named Show Descriptive Labels to show/hide the text labels on the right side of the numbers. To hide a particular data line, go to the Subgraphs tab and set the corresponding subgraph to Ignore. Additionally, both the font size and color of a data line on the panel on the right side can be controlled through the corresponding Subgraph settings. Use the Color button to control the color and the Size setting to control the size of the font.

      Next, we plan to work on the pattern studies like ZLR. We are also still completing work on a new Woodies CCI Trend study which is 100% compliant with the latest specifications.

      Some of the new Woodies studies in the Study Collection require a software software service package with Advanced Features.
    • Added a new Double Stochastic study that is based on the typical formula used.
    • Added support for the Open E Cry client software which is compatible with both the production and simulation environment. This client software finally solves an occasional problem where the first historical data request would time out. We also plan to increase the amount of tick data downloaded from OEC. The new client software can be downloaded on the Open E Cry page.
    • It is now possible to share chart images in our Image Gallery. There was a problem with this previously and it has been corrected. You can share any image you upload by selecting Help >> Account Management on the menu. Click on Manage Images. And click on the Share... button by the image you want to share.
  • 282

    • Added a Go To Date/Time command to the Chart menu, that lets you jump to a specific date/time on the chart.
    • Added scroll wheel support to scroll the chart in the same way as the scrollbar does.
    • Added error filtering for IB True Data (-TD) symbols.
  • 281

    • Corrected a problem where a position would not show zero after it was flattened with the TD Ameritrade service.
    • Add Net Change processing for the TD Ameritrade service.
    • Enhanced the new Countdown Timer study to show a continuous real-time countdown for Time based bars. This can be enabled through an input setting with the study. Added a new input to display the remaining range in ticks. The source for this study is in studies2.cpp and the function name is scsf_CountDownTimer. It serves as a good example of how to do text on charts.
    • The Attached Orders Trading feature has been improved to split orders into multiple OCA groups when more then one target and/or stop is used. For more info see this message. The attached orders tab on the Trade Window is easier to use. As always please be sure to use these improved trading features on a simulation account, until you are comfortable they are working correctly for you. If there are any problems contact support.
    • Added the sc.GetExactMatchForSCDateTime(), sc.GetOHLCForDate() and sc.FormatGraphValue() functions to ACSIL.
    • Two variables have been renamed in the ACSIL: sc.NumberOfTicks to sc.TicksPerBar. sc.volumePerBar to sc.VolumePerBar.
    • Added the (int)ReplayStatus, (float) YestClose, (int) BaseGraphValueFormat, (unsigned long) ChartBackgroundColor and (int) UseGlobalChartBackgroundColor variables to ACSIL.
    • Several low-level improvements have been made relating to charting, trading and studies.
    • Downloading of historical Intraday data from myTrack has been made faster as compared with versions 277 through 280.
    • Added a Scroll Multiplier setting to Global Settings >> General Settings. When this is set to 1, scrolling is at normal speed. It can be increased or decreased to affect the scrolling speed.
    • Email alerts now support multiple email addresses. You can use either a , or a ; as a delimiter. The email address is set under Global Settings >> General Settings.
  • 280

    • Corrected a problem with the image uploading service due to server reconfiguration.
  • 279

    • Corrected a problem with TD Ameritrade data processing, that was ignoring trade data that did not have volume data. For example, this affected the symbol $SPX.X.
    • Corrected some problems with data downloading arising from changes made in a recent pre-release.
    • Added a Countdown Timer study which lets you place the countdown timer anywhere on the chart window. This study is still being improved upon.
    • When searching for a date/time in the Intraday Editor, it is much faster.
    • Some additional improvements with GMT Time stamping for IB and MyTrack.
  • 278

    • Added an input named Round Off to Tick Size to the Pivot Points study.
    • Corrected a problem where under certain conditions a chart may perform an update even if there was no trading activity. This was not a problem, but it may have raised CPU usage. This issue arose in a recent release.
  • 277

    • Corrected a problem with compilation of ACSIL functions.
    • Corrected a problem with sc.RSI() and Stochastic RSI.
    • For the IB and MyTrack Services all data is time stamped to GMT Time now. The advantage of this is that Data files for myTrack and IB are now time-stamp wise compatible with all the other supported services, and vice versa. Under Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings you can now use the new Time Zone control to set the Time Zone to display Times in. This is set automatically for you. You will also find the Old Intraday Data Offset control, which is also automatically set for you. The Old Intraday data offset should be set to the amount of time that needs to be added to adjust your old data timestamps (data stored before upgrading to 277) to the GMT/UTC time zone. Note: When you upgrade to this version and you are using IB or MyTrack, you cannot downgrade without causing time stamping issues in your Intraday charts, unless you delete and refresh the Intraday data collected with this version.
  • 276

    • Added sc.TEMA(), sc.BollingerBands() and sc.GetMainGraphVisibleHighAndLow() functions to ACSIL.
    • The Spreadsheet System/Alert for Trading study now has more open support to write trade signals to a text file. This is configured through the ExternalTrading.ini file located in your Sierra Chart program folder. To write signals to the text file set the Write Signals to Text File input to Yes, and the Send Orders to Trade Service input to No.
    • sc.Subgraph[].ExtraArrays in the ACSIL has been renamed to sc.Subgraph[].Arrays . ExtraArrays can still be used as well.
    • Corrected a problem with the TPO study, where the # character would show for all time increments instead of the TPO letters until one of the letter code options was selected. It is normal for the # sign to show for time increments that do not have a letter defined.
    • The Chart Background color can be specified independently under Chart >> Chart Settings.
    • The file size for the automatic moving out of data from Intraday data files can be set under Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Large Data File Settings.
    • The File >> Find Symbol And Open Chart command is now supported for the SC Forex Data Service.
    • Corrected a problem with IB symbols that have a high number of decimal places which caused trading order prices to be rounded off to the incorrect decimal place. This also caused a problem with the modification of attached orders when they are based on the number of Ticks from the parent order. The reason for this problem is because IB sends the tick size in Scientific notation (1.0e-5)for small tick sizes.
    • Improved the request of streamer data from TD Ameritrade to avoid cancellation errors.
  • 275

    • Added sc.MACD() and sc.Summation() functions to ACSIL.
    • Internally updated the sc.HullMovingAverage(), sc.TriangularMovingAverage() and sc.SmoothedMovingAverage() functions in ACSIL. If your custom study uses these functions you will need to rebuild your DLL.
    • For the Attached Orders advanced trading feature, when the parent order is filled the attached orders are adjusted if necessary to maintain the specified relationship to the parent if the parent fills at an unexpected price.
  • 273

    • Added support for downloading of tick data from opentick in addition to minute data that is already supported.
    • The Chart Region Headers can now be set to: Visible, Overlapped or Hidden.
    • The number of chart regions has been expanded from 5 to 8.
    • For the IB trading service it is now possible to attach orders to a parent order. This lets you place stops and targets with an order. These are managed by IB. The quantities will be adjusted and the orders will be maintained even if Sierra Chart is shut down. This is controlled under Trade >> Open Trade Window for Chart >> Advanced >> Attached Orders. This feature is still new, and should only be used on a simulation account until you are comfortable that it works correctly for you. If you have any problems please let us know.
    • Study subgraph auto-coloring now supports coloring lines based on +/- values in addition to slope.
    • For Studies that support the Moving Average Type input, Smoothed moving average is now an available choice.
    • sc.SmoothedMovingAverage() in the ACSIL has been updated, if you are using it in Custom Study functions, be sure to recompile your DLLs.
    • ACSIL functions that required passing of arrays for internal use, now no longer require those arrays. The documentation has been updated to reflect this. Existing custom studies will still work. However you can update your code to use fewer arrays.
  • 272

    • Corrected some issues with the Trading interface to Transact as described here.
    • Corrected a problem with the information displayed on a modify order confirmation. Modifications were handled correctly, but the confirmation did not display the Modify word.
    • Increased the speed of loading Intraday data. (Revision 2 of 272)
  • 271

    • Improvements to the Trade Window. The Internal Position is now shown. The price list boxes have been improved.
    • Corrected an issue with Internal Positions relating to the new TWS version.
    • The following ACSIL functions have been added: sc.HullMovingAverage, sc.TriangularMovingAverage, sc.VolumeWeightedMovingAverage and sc.SmoothedMovingAverage. Documentation will follow.
    • The following ACSIL functions have been updated and require less parameters: sc.CCI, sc.RSI, sc.DMI, sc.ADXR, sc.DMIDiff, and sc.ADX. Documentation will follow.
  • 270

    • Sierra Chart has a much improved Chart Replay feature. There is a new floating replay control panel with buttons to control the replay. You can Start, Pause, jump Back and Forward, and Stop a replay. The jump time is user controllable. You have the ability as always to replay multiple charts. Unlike the prior replay, the starting date and time of the replay is controlled by the chart scroll bar. You simply scroll the chart back to your beginning time and when starting the replay, it will begin with the last bar displayed. When resuming a replay or jumping back or forward, keep in mind that the chart needs to be reloaded and therefore it's important that you load the minimum number of days possible under Chart >> Chart Settings.
  • 269

    • Corrected some minor issues with range bars.
    • Corrected an issue with the new ACSIL Subgraph Extra Arrays.
    • For the Spreadsheet System/Alert for Trading, some internal improvements to supporting reversals have been made and a new input, named Reset Condition On New Bar, has been added.
    • Corrected a problem with Upload Chart with Overlays.
  • 268

    • Corrected issues from the prior pre-release with Woodies and the Extra Arrays. Also corrected a problem where there may have been an abnormal shutdown with certain types of order entry.
  • 265

    • Corrected some issues with the new studies and the revised studies in the prior release.
    • Due to changes to the Woodies studies, it is necessary to reapply the Woodies Built-in study collection. For the Chop Zone study, the seven colors can now be set individually and this requires that you remove and re-add the study or modify the Subgraph color settings in order to get the correct colors. If you reapply the Woodies Built-in collection the colors will be correct.
    • Woodies studies that require a tick size are now based on the Tick Size setting under Chart >> Chart Settings. If they do not display correctly after upgrading check your Tick Size. You may also need to go to the input settings for Chop Zone and Sidewinder and make sure the Tick size setting there is 0.
  • 264

    • For the Spreadsheet studies, added the fields Open, High, Low, Net Change, and Daily Volume, in the I and J columns. This has caused the limit price inputs cells for the Spreadsheet System for Trading study to have been shifted down. You will need to update your Spreadsheet if you are specifying limit prices. The limit price specification was recently added.
    • Fixed a bug with sc.Subgraph[].ExtraArrays[] in ACSIL that prevented them from being allocated on use. If you have any problems with these, please let us know. A working example can be found in the scsf_ExtraArraysExample function in the studies.cpp file.
    • The woodies collection source code is now available in woodies.cpp in the ACS_Source folder.
    • Woodies studies that require a tick size are now based on the Tick Size setting under Chart >> Chart Settings. If they do not display correctly after upgrading check your Tick Size.
    • Made changes to reduce memory usage. It is also now possible to add up to 127 chart studies per chart.
    • With the Spreadsheet System/Alert for Trading study, reversals (When the Support Reversals input is set to Yes) do not occur unless there is a position which is opposite of the entry column direction. This is in addition to the existing rules for reversals. For example, if Sell Entry is triggered and you are flat or short the market, a reversal cannot occur. The default quantity will be used and not doubled. Testing of the reversal functionality is being done now, and the reversal feature should still be considered in the testing phase in this release. When using reversals please first test on a simulation account.
    • Added the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo studies and study collection.
    • Added the Zero Lag EMA study.
    • Modified Range bars to not move the last price to the high or low, unless it is outside the high/low range.
  • 262

    • Added Multiply -1 and Chande Momentum Oscillator studies.
    • When the Chart Values tool is set to be always on, then it is always on even before beginning drawing with another tool.
    • Added a new input to the Spreadsheet studies named Alert/Order Signal Only on Bar Close. When this is set to Yes an Alert and/or order signal will only be given on the close of the last bar.
  • 261

    • When a text drawing is moved or adjusted it now appears in the position of your mouse pointer as you move it around. It also will not prompt for text changes, when you set it in place.
    • Added the study Synthetic VIX.
  • 260

    • For advanced custom studies we have added an additional 80 arrays. There are 5 new extra arrays per sc.Subgraph structure. These can be accessed by using sc.Subgraph[].ExtraArrays[n][n1], where n can be from 0 to 4 and n1 is the same index value as used with second set of brackets with sc.Subgraph[][]. This required a major change in our custom study interface, if you see any problems with back-compatibility, please let us know. These new arrays also lay the foundation to eliminate passing background arrays to our array operation functions such as sc.ADX().
    • For the Spreadsheet System for Trading study, you can choose to use a limit order individually for any of the 4 order signal columns and specify the limit price to be used. The limit prices are specified in column J. In version 262 rev. 2 the limit price cells have been moved down to row 22.
    • For the Spreadsheet System for Trading study, the Buy Entry and Sell Entry Counts are preserved between sessions. They can be easily reset by changing them directly on the Spreadsheet.
    • Due to some significant changes this version is considered a Pre-Release and is being tested.
  • 259

    • When a logarithmic scale is used and there are negative values in the scale range, a linear scale will be used and the graph will display properly. Negative values cannot be in a logarithmic scale. In the past negative values would cause the graph to not appear. If there are any problems with the display of your charts or studies, please let us know.
    • Added commands to the Help menu to download the current version and pre-release version, and update the current running copy of Sierra Chart. This makes updating extremely easy especially if you are running multiple installations.
    • Revision 2 of 259: Additional improvements to Range Bars to deliver a constant range according to your setting. This is accomplished by splitting data records and by improved logic when gaps occur.
    • Added a command to the Help menu to access remote assistance. This feature lets a support engineer view your desktop and assist.
  • 258

    • Corrected a remaining problem with the constant range scale type.
    • Improved the pitchfork tool so the lines are always parallel. There were some certain rare cases where this may not have all always been the case depending upon screen resolution.
    • Interactive Scale Move now works with a logarithmic scale.
    • Some other low level improvements. Such as an option to automatically open the study settings window when a new study is added. We also plan to allow direct access to the settings window for a study from the chart.
  • 257

    • Fixed a problem that has existed for a while where if more than one Quote Request for a symbol were entered on a Spreadsheet used for quotes, then only the first one would update.
    • Corrected a problem with the Upload Chart function arising from the prior pre-release.
    • Additional improvements have been made to the SC Real-Time and Historical Forex Data service.
    • The constant range scale type has been improved to be stable when auto-centering is off and scale changes are made through interactive scale feature. Other improvements have been made as well. The scale can be moved beyond the values of the last bar.
  • 256

    • Added Historical Volatility Study.
    • New recording modes have been added. For complete information see Recording Modes. The suffix -INV can be added to any symbol to get the inverse price. This is very useful for the SC Real-Time and Historical Forex Data service. For example, you can use EURUSD-INV, EURUSD-INVBID, EURUSD-INVASK, EURUSD-INVBIDASK, or EURUSD-INVBAAVG. The SC Forex Historical Data Server supplies historical data only for -INV and -INVBID out of these new modes.
  • 255

    • Added the Moving Average - Triple Exponential study.
    • Improvements have been made to the SC Real-Time and Historical Forex Data service.
  • 254

    • The Sierra Chart Trading interface now works with TransAct for approved users.
    • Modified the Renko study to handle smaller box sizes for volatile markets.
  • 253

    • The Stop or Limit price for a Stop Limit order can now be automatically set. This applies to order entered through the chart or trade window. To activate this feature select Trade >> Open Trade Window for Chart>> Advanced >> Automatically Set Other Price for Stop Limit Orders. Select the desired unit and enter your value with From Other Order controls.
    • Added support for the SC Forex service for levels 3, 4 and 10. This will be available until March 1, 2008.
  • 252

    • Some additional low-level improvements to Tool and Chart Drawing related ACSIL functions were made to provide better support for Kiwi's Copies Lines From Another Chart study.
    • Sierra Chart now offers a Real-Time and Historical Forex Data service. For complete information, refer to the Sierra Chart Real-Time And Historical Forex Data Service page. Historical Daily Forex data is and has always been available with the Sierra Chart Historical Data service.
    • Some improvements have been made to Range bars, and additional improvements will be made in the next version.
    • Better handling of IB True Data symbols. Data for these symbols are continuously restarted every 5 minutes in case the data feed stops from Interactive Brokers.
    • Corrected a problem with the Difference (Single Line) study from the prior version.

*Last modified Thursday, 25th April, 2024.