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Log of Changes and Improvements to Sierra Chart
This list contains major items of development, and changes and additions which users need to be informed about.
This is not a comprehensive changes and additions log. And it should never be relied upon for such. It only represents a very small percentage of the actual development being performed every day. The vast majority of development is not documented here. Or receives, one small comment after it is all complete. There are not version notes for each version. The main Sierra Chart documentation is updated as needed relating to the changes and additions.
The maintenance of this page has mostly been abandoned by Sierra Chart development for many years due to the difficulty of maintaining it and because users can be incorrectly misled by or misinterpret notes that are made here. This does not change, the development of Sierra Chart which is very active every day and new releases are made nearly weekly or several times a week. The Sierra Chart project is still very active, with extensive development and it remains a very high quality software in the world. The engineering is at the very top of the world.
1019 Release Date: 2013-09-01
- In the circumstance where you may need to go back to a prior version of Sierra Chart for whatever reason, beginning with version 1017, it is now guaranteed to always be able to open a Chartbook from a newer version of Sierra Chart even if new internal data fields have been added to Chartbooks in newer versions. This change is as of version 1017. You will no longer need to access a backup Chartbook which may not have all of your latest changes/additions. Any Chartbooks saved with a version after this version, will be able to be used in any prior version going back to version 1017.
- With the new CTS FIX connection, Trade Positions are now determined through a FIX report which provides the current position for a market through simple calculations. Previously this was not possible. By using this new FIX report, there is more reliable Trade Position processing. Other enhancements and resolution of issues relating to the CTS FIX trading and market data interface.
- Corrected a problem from a recent release where you may encounter compiler errors when building a Custom Studies DLL file.
- Only orders that have been submitted from a particular trade account will be displayed on a chart or Trade DOM based upon the selected trade account on the associated Trade Window.
- Continued development of the new spreadsheet functionality in the non-CLR version. It is now possible to refer to Study Subgraphs outputted to the spreadsheet by an alternate reference name. For more information, refer to this Support Board Thread. This prevents problems of cell formulas becoming invalid when studies are added or removed from the chart, or new Study Subgraphs are added to a study.
1014 Release Date: 2013-08-22
- Corrected some minor small issues relating to the updated protocol for interfacing to Interactive Brokers TWS. One issue resolved is the Account Balance should continuously update.
- Corrected a problem with the Rithmic/Zen-Fire trading platform service from a recent release where the timestamps for Eurex trades were not correct.
- Ongoing Spreadsheet development. The latest development can be seen in the non-CLR version. The Spreadsheet studies are now available to be used with a non-CLR version. There are still various small user interface items of development which need to be done for the Spreadsheets and this is still in progress.
- Corrected a problem from a recent release where if the connection to the Market Statistics data feed is lost, it would not automatically reconnect. This is now resolved.
- Order handling and trading integration improvements with the CTS FIX trading platform service.
1010 Release Date: 2013-08-14
- With the CTS FIX trading platform service, resolved a problem with order IDs when an order is canceled, which would prevent the order status from properly updating for the canceled order.
- Added new Range per Bar type.
- Small improvements to the interface to Interactive Brokers relating to Financial Advisor accounts and historical order fills.
1007 Release Date: 2013-08-09
- With the Volume by Price study, the Draw Peaks & Valleys input now contains options to draw Peaks only, Valleys only or both.
- The chart Session Start Time and End Time are now outputted to cells J75 and J76 for all of the Spreadsheet studies.
- Attached Orders can now be specified directly from the Spreadsheet System for Trading study Spreadsheet cells. The Target is set through J80 and the Stop is set through J81. When either of these are set (are nonzero), these will replace any existing Attached Orders for the chart and replace them with a simple Target and/or Stop using the offsets specified. The offsets need to be specified as an actual price value.
- New studies added: Volume Zone Oscillator and Pivot Range-Variable Period.
- New Chart/Trade DOM columns have been added: Recent Bid Volume and Recent Ask Volume. These Are Added through Global Settings >> Configure Chart/Trade DOM Columns These new columns will show the Bid Volume and Ask Volume for each price level where the market traded at before moving to a new price. When the market goes back to a prior price level, the Bid Volume and Ask Volume are reset.
- Various improvements and issues resolved with the integration to CTS FIX trading platform service.
- Support for the TransAct trading service is now restored. This was not supported in version 1004. Sierra Chart now provides order prices as integers to the TransAct bridge program to avoid any slight price inaccuracies due to floating-point error.
- New trading study added: Trading: Position . This will display the trading position for the symbol of the chart as a historical graph.
- Update to the logic of automated trading management where when there is a Buy or Sell Exit and Cancel All Working Orders on Exit is set to TRUE/Yes, market orders will not be considered as being cancelable, since they are unlikely to be canceled, and they will therefore be used in the calculation of the exit quantity and they will prevent the Buy/Sell Exit from being followed if they cause the resulting position to be at 0. This resolves a problem where 2 or more exit orders given in quick succession when using Cancel All Working Orders on Exit, would cause 2 or more exits to actually occur and a reversal in position.
1004 Release Date: 2013-08-03
- Updated the interface to the Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation software to use the very latest protocol version supported by TWS. Improved the updating of Positions data by manually requesting the positions data every time there is an order fill. This will resolve problems where some users have reported a position in Sierra Chart disappears after about 10 seconds. Financial Advisor accounts now use a new Trade Position data request function supported by TWS which provides continuously updating Position data for all of the accounts. This Sierra Chart version will only be able to connect to Trader Workstation version 9392 or higher.
- Added a Number of Forward Columns setting in Chart >> Chart Settings to control the number of columns/bars in the forward projection area of the chart.
- Corrected some issues with the outputting of study data in the Spreadsheet studies that arose in the most recent prereleases.
- The TT FIX trading service now supports multiple trading accounts. This development is now complete.
- Changes to simulated order fill price processing. There is no longer a difference with the setting of the fill price between a new order and a resting order unless there is a bar based back test being performed.
- This version does not support a connection to the TransAct trading service due to a protocol change with GSP. The connection will be supported in the next release when TransAct updates the bridge program to support the protocol change. This change has been agreed upon with TransAct and ensures very accurate setting of the order prices to avoid issues relating to floating-point error. If you are a TransAct user, and you update to this version, you can go back to the prior version by selecting Help >> Download Current Version.
- Increased the number of historical order fills that are downloaded from LMAX upon a connection, to 45 days from 7 days.
- Resolved a problem with order handling with TT FIX when there are orders submitted from another program, like X Trader, and they are received over the FIX connection. Previously this was causing a 2nd order to appear. This is now resolved. This issue arose in a recent release.
- 2nd revision: Added the following Keyboard Shortcut Trading commands: Buy Bid + 1 Tick, Sell Ask - 1 Tick.
- 2nd revision: It is now possible to use the standard symbol format with the Interactive Brokers trading service for silver futures. The symbol is: SI-######-NYMEX-USD-5000. You will now find this new symbol listed in File >> Find Symbol. Sierra Chart will be able to correctly track and display the current Trade position for that market using this symbol format.
1000 Release Date: 2013-07-26
- Corrected a problem with simple alerts in the non-CLR version that arose in the prior release.
- With the TPO Profile Chart and the TPO Value Area Lines studies, improvements have been made to handling of an odd session starting time which is not a multiple of 30 minutes or at 0:00, when using a TPO Letter/Block time period of 30 minutes. There is now the ability to merge the odd sub period which arises from this with the next subperiod, or keep it as a separate subperiod. The study input that controls this is named Merge Odd SubPeriod with Next (Applies to 30 minute letter/block time period). For example, if the TPO Letter/Block time period is 30 minutes, and the chart Start Time is 8:20, and Merge Odd SubPeriod with Next is set to No, then there will be a single subperiod which goes from 8:20 to 8:29:59. The next subperiod will begin at 8:30.
- Under development: The TT FIX trading service now supports multiple trading accounts. In Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Orders, you can now specify multiple trade account numbers separated by a comma in the Account box. These will be available from the list of trade accounts on the Trade Window.
- Corrected some issues with simulated order fill handling due to the recent changes to support multiple trade accounts. This was causing various issues with the display of Trade Position data and order fills in a chart for simulated trading.
- The ACSIL sc.GetStudyExtraArrayFromChartUsingID(int ChartNumber, int StudyID, int SubgraphIndex, int ExtraArrayIndex, SCFloatArrayRef ExtraArrayRef) function has been added.
- Corrected a problem with the MTGox trading service integration, where the tonce value may not have been set correctly with requests. It is also imperative that your computers clock is accurate to within 10 seconds, otherwise the tonce value will be rejected by MTGox.
998 Release Date: 2013-07-23
- When using the TPO Profile Chart study on an Intraday chart with a Letter/Block time period of 30 minutes and the starting time of the trading day as set through the Session Times in Chart >> Chart Settings , is set to a time which is not an even multiple of 30 minutes like 8:20, then there will be automatically a separate sub period that goes from 8:20 to 8:29:59 and a new sub period will start at 8:30.
- Due to the increasing complexity of sub periods with the above change and also the custom sub periods support in the TPO Profile Chart study, the ability to configure the TPO letters through a window is no longer supported. There is now a new TPO Letter Sequence input with the study. It is at the bottom of the list of study Inputs. By default, it is set to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx. The first letter always represents the first sub period for a TPO Profile, whether actually part of the TPO Profile or not. The letters are incremented through for each subsequent sub period in the profile. A sub period refers to the time of an individual block or letter.
- It is possible since a recent version to change the speed of a chart replay while the replay is running. One problem that has been reported is when the replay speed is reduced, the chart will not continue to replay. It will stop for a period of time. This problem is now resolved.
- Support for FXCM trading now is only supported with a FIX connection. If you are not using the new FXCM FIX Trading service and have a FXCM account, then follow the instructions in the FXCM Setup Instructions section. The old FXCM interface is now labeled FXCM Historical Data and it only supports historical data. Support for real-time market data and trading for the older interface has been removed and is now discontinued.
- The connection to CTS T4 now uses a FIX connection. This is much more efficient and has dramatically lower memory use. There are no external third-party API components involved any longer. This is part of our task to remove all external API components for the greatest reliability and performance. When updating to this version or higher, there are some steps you need to follow to successfully use the FIX connection. Follow the instructions in the Using New FIX Connection section on the CTS page. This is essential as the symbols are different.
- There is now comprehensive support for simultaneously using multiple trade accounts within Sierra Chart. When updating to this version or higher, the trade account is now selected through the Trade Window for the chart or Trade DOM. Open the Trade Window with Trade >> Open Trade Window for Chart. There is a list box on the first tab of the Trade Window which allows selection of the trade account, if multiple trade accounts are supported with the logged in username to the trading service you are using.
- In the case of LMAX, the account number is now your username. This will cause a problem with determining the current Trade Positions. After updating to this version or higher, you will need to clear the trade activity data in the Trade Activity Log for each symbol. This only needs to be done once after this initial update. To do this, refer to Clearing Trade Activity Data.
- Addition to the options for combining Time & Sales records: Do not combine, Combine with same price and type (this is new), Combine with same time and price.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
997 Release Date: 2013-07-16
- In previous versions when Sierra Chart would detect that a position is being reversed based upon the current Position Quantity and the new order Side and Order Quantity, and you are using Attached Orders, the main/parent order would be split into an order to flatten the existing position and a new separate order set with its own Attached Orders. This is no longer the case unless the main/parent order is a Market order.
- If chart menu hidden, when the user right clicks over the Region Data Line at the top of the chart window, a context menu item Show Menu is appended which is used to reenable the menu. No longer will the Alt key on a keyboard display the menu.
- Added Global Settings >> General Trade Settings >> Adjust Attached Orders to Maintain Same Offset on Parent Fill. The default for this is enabled.
- Added Global Settings >> Chart Trade Settings >> Display Trade Commands As Submenu. The default for this is disabled. When this is enabled, then all of the Chart Trade commands that are displayed on the Chart Shortcut menu opened with a right-click on the chart, will be displayed under a submenu named Trade. This reduces the possibility of accidental selection of these items. The Trade menu will be at the bottom of the Chart Shortcut menu.
- A Use Attached Orders command has been added to the list in Global Settings >> Customize Keyboard Shortcuts.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
996 Release Date: 2013-07-13
- Resolved a problem when changing the symbol on a Trade DOM, the price range would become 0 and no prices would be displayed.
- Resolved a problem from a recent release where when using the OCO order types like OCO Buy Stop Sell Stop, and there is a partial fill of one of these orders, both orders would get canceled when only the other side that was not filled should be canceled. This is now resolved.
- Resolved some issues with the CTS T4 FIX trading service interface.
- Added support to download 1 year of historical tick data from the Barchart Data service.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
994 Release Date: 2013-07-10
- Corrected a problem with the TransAct Trading service where when using symbols with a #, this would create a conflict in the TransAct software with symbols for the same underlying futures contract and would prevent market data updates from being received.
- Added support for using CTS T4 over a FIX connection. To use this service, select Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings. Set the Service to CTS T4 FIX. This is still new and improvements will be made with the downloading of Historical data to improve performance.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
993 Release Date: 2013-07-05
- Resolved a problem from a recent Sierra Chart version where the Orders and Positions account in the Interactive Brokers settings were being overwritten with account numbers from the TWS username. This was causing a problem with Financial Advisor accounts and also when an Interactive Brokers username has multiple trade accounts. Make sure Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Positions Account, is set correctly.
- Improvements to the Zig Zag study.
- When modifying an order on the chart or Trade DOM, it will no longer sometimes jump back to the original price. It will stay at the new price until the order modification is confirmed.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
992 Release Date: 2013-06-26
- Resolved a problem from a recent release where when using the TransAct and Rithmic trading services Stop-Limit orders were actually submitted as Stop-Market orders. This would result in the Limit price for CME orders being set a large distance from the main order price since the CME converts Stop-Market orders to Stop-Limit orders. This issue arose with the new GSP type connection to the services.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
991 Release Date: 2013-06-25
- When using the Go to Chart button on a selected study alert line in the Alerts Log, the chart will now scroll to the Date-Time in the chart to where the Alert Condition became true.
- Corrected a problem with Position Average Price display, where the chart Real-time Price Multiplier was not being applied in some cases.
- Email Alert messages now show the source of the Alert message in the Subject line.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
990 Release Date: 2013-06-19
- Corrected a problem with the entry of OCO parent orders, like OCO Buy Stop and Sell Stop, where an abnormal shutdown could occur when using Attached Orders and there is not a corresponding Target or Stop in each OCO Group. There would be a problem if there is only a Stop and no Target.
- Corrected a problem that affected versions 985 to 989 where when using the TT FIX trading platform service, there could be a condition where when the open orders are requested from the server, some of the existing open orders in the Sierra Chart order list would go to a canceled state and then they would be reactivated. This process would cause Attached Orders for those orders that are still in a "Pending Child" state to be canceled. This issue is now resolved.
- In a recent release, custom bar period ToolBar buttons may have changed without the user actually making changes. This problem is now resolved and in this release it is possible to get back to your original ToolBar button settings. To do this, you need to update to this release or later and then restore one of the backup configuration files. These files have the name Sierra3.cfg.[day of week name] and are located in the Sierra Chart folder. You will need to restore one of these files when Sierra Chart is not running. You need to first make a backup of the current Sierra3.cfg file. And then restore one of the backup files, by removing the day of week name from it.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
987 Release Date: 2013-06-15
- Corrected a problem from the prior release where when opening Chartbooks or applying Study Collections, an error may be given indicating that there is an unknown field code or a newer version of Sierra Chart is required. This is now resolved.
- Resolved a problem from the prior release when using the TT FIX service, where a rejected order would still stay in an Order Sent state and the reject error message would not be displayed in the Trade >> Trade Service Log . This is now resolved.
- Added a "Cancel Non-Child Orders" input to the Spreadsheet System for Trading study in cells I78 and J78.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
985 Release Date: 2013-06-11
- Due to a memory corruption problem when using the ACSIL function sc.GetTradeList() from a compiler different than Sierra Chart was built with, the sc.GetTradeList() function has been disabled. In this version and higher it does not do anything. The new replacement function is: sc.GetTradeListEntry(unsigned int TradeIndex, s_ACSTrade& TradeEntry). For more information, refer to the ACSIL Members documentation for this function.
- The connection to the Rithmic trading platform service, now uses a separate process server which is implemented using GSP. So this acts as a bridge between the Sierra Chart GSP client and the Rithmic API. The reason for this change, is that it isolates the Rithmic API into a separate process to protect the main Sierra Chart process against any faults in the Rithmic API, protects the Sierra Chart user interface and process from any blocking/freezing in the Rithmic API, reduces the size of the Sierra Chart program, and eliminates compiler conflicts with the main project.
- The TransAct bridge program has been updated. It now will not be blocked by firewalls.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
984 Release Date: 2013-06-06
- There was a problem with the calculation of the rollover date when the Rollover Method is set to Number of Calendar Days before Friday Count within Contract Month in the Global Symbol Settings. It was too early. This is now resolved.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
983 Release Date: 2013-06-05
- Support for trading through MTGox. More details will follow. To use this service, select Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings. Set the Service to MTGox Bitcoin Trading .
- Updated the TransAct bridge files.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
981 Release Date: 2013-05-30
- Sierra Chart no longer supports loading Advanced Custom Studies DLLs from the main program folder. They must be located in the Data Files Folder. To determine the location of this folder and to change it select Global Settings >> General Settings. For more information refer to this Support Board thread about this.
- Corrected a problem with transitioning from one futures contract to another when using the Continuous Futures Contract option in Chart Settings with Historical Daily charts, where the transition Date was too late. There generally was not a problem. However, there was an issue in the case of commodity futures. Stock index futures were not affected.
- Updated that TransAct GSP bridge program to the latest version.
- With the Numbers Bars study, there are 2 new Column # Background Type input options: Ask/Bid Volume Split Profile Across Bid & Ask and Ask/Bid Volume Split Profile Across Bid & Ask Outline. These are similar to the other Split profiles, but use the maximum value across price levels for both the Bid and Ask sides to determine the bar widths.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
979 Release Date: 2013-05-24
- Corrected Mytrack Data service data processing issue from recent release.
- Updated TransAct bridge program.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
978 Release Date: 2013-05-21
- The integration to the TransAct trading service now uses the new General Data and Trading Service Protocol.
- The speed of a Chart Replay can now be controlled even when the replay is running. There is a new drop-down list box with various predefined speeds.
- Added new ACSIL member: sc.BaseGraphScaleConstRange.
- The display order of Calculated Values Subgraphs with the Numbers Bars Calculated Values study can now be controlled through a new study input.
- The range for a Constant Range Scale is reset when changing the symbol of the chart.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
975 Release Date: 2013-05-15
- This version includes an updated TransAct interface software to connect to the TransAct systems.
- Corrected a problem with the interface to TransAct where unexpected orders would appear after a certain amount of time or after order list refresh. These are the result of prior order modifications that were held in the list with an unexpected Open order state.
- Pending: Support for BTC-E Bitcoin exchange.
- A whole new interface for connections to external Data and Trading service has been developed and is now supported. This uses a standard protocol that is open source. This allows anyone to establish a server that Sierra Chart can connect to for data and trading functionality. For more information, refer to General Data and Trading Service Protocol.
- Improvements to the Initial Balance study.
- Stop orders can now be modified with the LMAX Forex Trading service. Other improvements with the integration to LMAX.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
970 Release Date: 2013-05-04
- This version does not support a connection to the TransAct Trading service. We are in the process of updating the interface to TransAct and this is not yet finalized, so therefore the connection is not supported. It will be supported in version 971 which should be out in a day or 2. Therefore, if you are a TransAct user, do not update to this version.
- Added new ACSIL function: sc.SubmitOCOOrder().
- We have improved the processing of historical order fill data from the FXCM FIX Trading service. One change is that the unique Fill Execution Service ID that you see in the Trade Activity Log for an order fill has a different format. One possible result of this is that on the day that you update to this version, you may notice potentially duplicate order fills for that trading day. If this is the case, then select them in the Trade >> Trade Activity Log and delete them by selecting Edit >> Delete Trade Activity Entry .
- Corrected a problem that arose in a recent release which prevented the connection to the MyTrack Data service.
- Corrected a problem from a recent release with the Spreadsheet Study when using Microsoft Excel. Multiple instances of the Excel spreadsheet would be opened. This is now corrected.
- Low-level improvements to the Study/Price Overlay Study. Session Times now are considered when overlaying bars from a Historical Daily chart to an Intraday chart.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
969 Release Date: 2013-04-30
- Corrected a problem with the automatic adjustment of Attached Orders when the parent order is modified or filled, where the price may not have been set correctly. This relates to the change in version 968 to always adjust the Attached Orders to maintain the same offset they had previously to the parent order, even if one of the Attached Orders was manually modified.
- Disabled support for the new Interactive Brokers Time and Sales type data feed which supposedly provides more complete trade and volume data. This was added in version 967 but it has unforeseen problems.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
968 Release Date: 2013-04-26
- The Global Settings >> General Trade Settings >> Synchronize Service and Internal Positions option has been removed and it is always implied to be on. If you have unchecked this option previously, as an alternative you need to start using the new method to independently track positions in a Chart or Trade DOM, which is based upon the order fills. For complete documentation, refer to Using Independent Trade Positions.
- Support for BitStamp data feed. This can be found in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Service.
- When using any of the Bitcoin data feeds, the volumes are now displayed correctly. The only exception at this time is the volumes displayed in the Window >>Current Quote Window. For the BTC Volume numbers to be displayed properly for existing charts, it is necessary to go to each BTC chart that you have and select Chart >> Chart Settings >> Symbol. Set the Volume Value Format to .0001. Due to how the Volume data is stored, you cannot use any other Volume Value Formats. Using another format will give you an inaccurate Volume display. Due to storage limitations, only 4 digits of precision to the right of the decimal point are supported for BTC charts.
- Corrected an issue where when there are multiple increases to the quantity of an Attached Order due to multiple fills of the parent order, and there is also at the same time a trail order modification, the Attached Order may not be set to the proper quantity. This has been resolved.
- When modifying a parent order that has Attached Orders, the Attached Orders will always be adjusted to maintain the same offset they had previously to the parent order. This is always the case now even if an Attached Order was previously modified.
- Improvements to the integration FXCM FIX Trading. Resolved an issue where the Symbol of an order may not be set when the order originated from outside of Sierra Chart.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
967 Release Date: 2013-04-20
- The Sierra Chart ACSIL (Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language) now has basic functionality to support drawing into a chart window using the Windows GDI (Graphics Device Interface). This lets you draw freely into a chart window using any of the GDI functions. Information about how this works and an example can be found in the /ACS_Source/GDIExample.cpp file.
- Improvements with the Interactive Brokers Trading service market data processing. With the help of one user, we have learned that Interactive Brokers provides a Time and Sales type data feed which is now used to create the Intraday chart bars. This data feed is only used for a symbol if it is available. Otherwise, the standard data feed is used.
- Support for the Bitcoin data feed from MTGox. This is set through Global Settings >>Data/Trade Service Settings. Set the Service to Bitcoin Data. all available symbols can be found in File >> Find Symbol. Currently only the BTC pairs are supported.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
964 Release Date: 2013-04-13
- For the Numbers Bars study, there are new Column # Background Types added: Ask/Bid Volume Split Profile and Ask/Bid Volume Split Profile Outline. If the Background Coloring Method is set to Based on AskVol/BidVol Percentage, both sides will be colored independently, otherwise both sides will have same color.
- There are new futures contract rollover rule settings in Global Settings >> Symbol Settings. We have already set rollover rules for many of the symbols for the TransAct Trading service.
- There is a new option in Chart >> Chart Settings named Automatically Rollover Futures Symbol which will perform an automatic rollover of the futures symbol of the chart according to the defined rollover rules in Global Settings >> Symbol Settings if a rollover rule is set for the symbol.
- In the Edit >> Join Intraday Data window for joining Intraday data files, there is a new option named Use Rollover Rules for Transition which will use the defined rollover rules for a symbol, if they are defined, to transition from one contract month to the next. The specific date which is considered the rollover date, is the date that the transition occurs to the next contract month.
- Support for the LMAX Forex and CFD Trading service has been added. Support for this service can be configured through Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings.
- A study named: Renko Visual Open/Close Values has been added.
- Improvements with chart Values Scale display. There were some issues with the initial revisions of this. However, it is all now resolved in version 964.
- There have been some internal changes with the parameters for the ACSIL sc.GetOHLCForDate() function. If you are using this function in your ACSIL study, it is necessary to recompile and build a new DLL on this version or higher.
- If an ACSIL (Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language) study you are using makes a call to an sc. function that takes a copy of a Date-Time (SCDateTime) type or returns one, then you will need to recompile and build a new DLL on this version or higher. Otherwise, there could be unexpected problems with the calling of these study functions. If you did not develop the custom study, then you will need to contact the developer of it about this.
- Resolved some compatibility issues withthe SierraChart.h header and the ACSIL compiler.
- The chart Start Time and End Time values are outputted to the spreadsheet when using the Spreadsheet System for Trading study.
- Various other new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
961 Release Date: 2013-04-05
- Corrected a problem that some users experienced with logging into Sierra Chart where the login would not succeed and the login button would continue to say Verifying. If you continue to have a problem with this, update again by installing the latest Prerelease from the Software Download page. An additional revision has been made.
- Various new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
960 Release Date: 2013-04-04
- For Historical Daily charts, Sunday and Monday bars are merged into one.
- Resolved some small issues when downloading historical Daily data when using the SC Forex Data (FXCM) and the FXCM FIX Trading services. If you notice any data errors in a Historical Daily chart, then go to that chart and select Edit >> Delete All Data and Download.
- Continued enhancements to the new Quote Board feature. A Quote Board be open through File >> New Quote Board.
- Corrected a problem from a recent release where the values of the constants used with the sc.ServerConnectionState ACSIL variable had changed. This problem is now resolved. However, if you are using these constants in your ACSIL function, you need to recompile your custom studies code on this version or higher and use the updated constants. They are: SCS_DISCONNECTED, SCS_CONNECTING, SCS_RECONNECTING, SCS_CONNECTED, SCS_CONNECTION_LOST, SCS_DISCONNECTING.
- ACS Tool ToolBar buttons can be selected no matter what drawing tool is selected. There are now 50 ACS Tool ToolBar buttons available.
- Corrected a small problem with the Accumulated Volume calculation used in the Zig Zag study.
- Corrected a problem which was causing a GDI leak. This was an issue mainly with Quote Boards. A GDI leak will result in unusual behavior of windows within Sierra Chart and also can cause an abnormal shutdown of the software.
- Various new low-level improvements, issues resolved and additions.
956 Release Date: 2013-03-21
- Correct a problem from a recent release where you may have to click a second time on a chart after selecting it in order for mouse pointer and keyboard input to be accepted. This relates to recent development with the new Quote Board.
- Several improvements made and new features added to the Quote Board.
- Corrected some issues with the editing and insertions of Trade Activity Log entries.
- Various new low-level improvements and additions.
*Last modified Thursday, 25th April, 2024.